Google Maps of Albergues on the Camino Frances

If you wish to carry your mobile phone on the Camino, or have in the past, then the following resources may prove useful to you. Some argue that the information in Brierley’s book is sufficient but in this day and age when every ounce in your backpack is counted, there is a case for leaving it at home. I would be in that camp.

Below are links to maps of all albergues on the Camino Frances. The information is correct to December last. All details have been taken from which is an amazing website and I encourage you to visit that site when you are planning your Camino.

I didn’t include hotels, hostales, or pensions in these maps so I would advise you to check out or the spreadsheet of all accomodation on the Camino forum.

I will include this in my Camino links section, which you can access at the top of the blog. I hope the maps prove useful to you as they have for me.

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