Something new?

I'm a little excited. Actually, I'm not quite sure how I feel. This could be the beginning of something new or, then again, it may not be. I will know in a few weeks when I take my first steps. It's no secret that it has become more of a challenge to keep your audience,... Continue Reading →

Two’s Camino company…

My previous post was looking forward to a re-arranged Camino in April 2021. With flights booked and nothing much else, I got back to the tasks at hand for the day. With no Camino to walk this year, what else had I to look forward to. A return to normality following the worst pandemic in... Continue Reading →

First post of 2018..

I haven't left you, you'll be glad to hear. I can't believe it's nearly a month since I last wrote here. Time flies so fast. I keep thinking of writing however. I hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year. I think about my upcoming Camino everyday. Some days I have concerns, some... Continue Reading →

April becomes September..

So I posted before before Christmas that I had planned to walk from Leon to Santiago. I couldn't wait to heal up after my broken wrist, so I booked my flights and bought any other gear that I needed. There was much anticipation which is usually the case when I think about returning to Spain. I... Continue Reading →

2017..and something new!

So I've been thinking of creating a new series for this blog, and with the coming of the new year, there is no better time to start it then. I plan on uploading a photo a day starting from way back in 2011. I hope I won't be spamming my followers, but if that is... Continue Reading →

The Best of 2016

Hi folks! An apology is in order for the lack of posts here. A certain wrist is making that a little difficult, but I hope to be on the mend this side of Christmas. I am able to type with the cast on however, but I hope you don't mention that to my doctor. The... Continue Reading →

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